Two views of the ceiling of the church. The ceiling was recently cleaned during the painting of the curch. The walls of the sacristy are now a creamy white with a tint of green.

This is the stained glass window in the choir loft. This is illuminated at night and can be seen from the street.

This is the window that depicts Our Lady of Czestochowa. Our parish was begun as a mission parish that ministered to the Polish immigrants almost 100 years ago. While a good number of our parishioners are of Polish descent, we are now a parish that represents a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds.
I will post more photos later.
How pretty! They didn't paint over that amazing ceiling, did they?
I love how in many older churches, when you look up, there is a scene painted on the ceiling to make you think of heaven. In the newer ones, like ALL the ones around my home, all you see is the ceiling and the lights.
The ceiling is the one thing that didn't change. Only the white was repainted and another blue stripe was added to the second, outer soffit.
I hope to take some pictures of the new paint and post them soon.
Beautiful. When was it built?
I believe about '57. It's got that "Brady Bunch" feel to it - blonde oak, late 50's early 60's decor. It was repainted and finished just a week ago so it looks a little different - differnt wall colors and a little trim added to the windows. It has tons of marble in a host of colors which made selecting new colors a major job.
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