April 10, 2007

The rest of Triduum

Wow, the rest of the Triduum flew by. Our parish's Good Friday service was really great and the homily was inspirational. I spent most of the day Saturday at church helping to complete the decorating for Easter. Then home to work on getting some food made for Sunday, a quick shower and back to church for the Easter vigil. It was a wonderful experience. The church was packed as 14 students received Confirmation.

Sunday morning found us packing up the car and heading to spend Easter with my parents. My mother had surgery about five weeks ago - her third hip replacement (third hip replacement, two hips, you do the math) so I was in charge of cooking our Easter dinner. It was a quiet day as it was just my parents, my husband, my son and I.

Both my husband and son are off this week, so we are attempting to do some projects around the house, but the weather, while not rainy, is not very warm so we are doing what we can and will hold off the rest until the temperature rises.

Time to fold more laundry - when do I get a vacation?

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