A little more than a month ago, I received a comment on my blog from a new reader, Sue. As it turns out, she is from NJ, I live in NJ. She has relatives that lived in the town my husband grew up in. She lives in Georgia, my brother lives in Georgia. Connections were found and we became online friends. And I recently discovered that her daughter lives in NJ and in the same part of the state too.
Today, while doing my daily "blog cruise" I discovered that she had bestowed on me a Friendship Award. And now it is time for me to pay it forward and pass it on to eight of my friends.
To Nurse Nancy, a new blogger, but a friend I met on my honeymoon almost 22 years ago.
To SFO Mom Barb, whom I met online and have become friends with as we live near each other. We meet for breakfast or lunch once in a while.
To TSAnnie, whom I met through Nurse Nancy. She has turkeys living at her house
To Mental Pause Mama, whom I met through Annie. She has this thing about Shauna and her Lucite shoes
To Country Girl Kate another blog friend who lives near my college stomping grounds. She takes really, really nice pictures.
To Chesapeake Country Girl Marlene, who always makes me laugh with her stories and smile with her good deeds
To Simple and Ordinary Christine, who is complex and special and who has a book being published soon
And finally To Hawaii Catholic Mom Esther, a Jersey girl I hope to meet someday in NJ and visit some day in Hawaii.
Ladies, thanks for your friendship and now you too should pass it on.
Why thank you, my friend! What a nice honor.
Ellen! Thanks so much!
Thank you so very much, Ellen. You always make me smile and your words were so very needed tonight. I am deeply touched by your wonderful heart.
So. I am all about lucite shoes?
I might like this........
Why, thank you very much Ellen. Have a great day, girl!
Hi Ellen...glad you stopped by to pick up your award.....and happy to see you did what I couldn't go...those pesky links...daughter is going to show me how it's done...she really enjoys when you leave a comment on her blog....all her hoity toity friends never say anything about her posts....so thank you and I'm glad you enjoy it.....Sue.
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