I love stores with self checkout. One reason is that I can pack my shopping bags the way I want - usually I separate things by where they will go when I get home. Then there's the fact that no one looks at you funny when you buy diet soda and cookies. But mostly because I can usually scan, pay and bag quicker than lots of the help at the store.
So shop, scan and don't be embarrassed by those M& M's and diet Coke!
LOL. I hold my head high no matter what I have in that basket...I must be that old lady....
I get so CONFUSED in those lines. Don't put the articles in - it yells at me. I do not like being yelled at!
Hi Ellen...you need to get older friends....no one I know works anymore....and we get "senior" discounts!! The cooking class was fun, Joyce is a hoot...I would have loved to have taken one with the daughter...I really got to get back to Jersey...
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