July 10, 2009

Friday Funny

And sometimes we do it just to annoy our children!


Mental P Mama said...

What is wrong with these boys????

abb said...


Nurse Nancy said...

So love it! I am frequently asked to stop singing....but I don't.

Unknown said...

Hehe...this brought back a funny memory. My Daddy had asked my sister to mow the grass and she wrote her name on the lawn with the mower....it lasted for at least 6 weeks. He never asked us to cut the grass ever again.

Barb Szyszkiewicz said...


Middle Sister was treated to me singing along to "Tragedy" by the Bee Gees, in the car this week. She was horrified by the song, and laughed so hard that she was in tears. (She thinks it sounds like the Bee Gees were being tazed)

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

It is our job ;0)

Fragrant Liar said...