I was, as I am often, late to the game and only discovered Downton Abbey after the second season. I had often thought about watching it, but by the time I got around to it, it was no longer being shown either as re-runs or available in the "On Demand" section from my cable provider. Fortunately, a friend had been loaned the first two seasons on DVD and was kind enough to let me borrow it. Needless to say, I was hooked. And after I finished watching those first two seasons, the third season couldn't come on tv fast enough. But that was several months away.
When the new season finally arrived, I was thrilled that my husband was also interested in watching it too. So Sunday nights we watch. Probably for different reasons. While I think he enjoys the story, I know he loves the house and would love to have one like it. He's a bit of a History buff and loves old houses with paneled studies and lots of rooms.
So if you are a fan, here's a quiz that I found on a favorite blog, Beyond the Picket Fence. I took it, and found that I am Sir Robert. I can't figure that one out, since I am a pretty compassionate person and no where as cold as he is. But it was fun taking the quiz.
Robert, Earl of Grantham

I am Sir Robert, too!
I am also Sir Robert. Do you think the quiz is "fixed?"
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